Code7 on vapauttanut kolme jäsentään, Olitin, JaZzEn ja Vanishzin, ja samalla oven avauksella klaanista vielä lähtivät omasta tahdostaan Neo, Oski, Redux, Speedyheadshot ja Chordi. Näin nykyisessä kokoonpanossa ovat jäljellä enää manageri Corey, joukkueen liidu Kalma ja Liontail. Ennen syvempää kommentointia on syytä lukea koko tiedote läpi.
Code7 have an announcement to make which at the same time ends a chapter in a life of this clan and marks a start for a something new. Altought many may found this to be a sad development i consider it to be a healthy step in the evolution for Code7 in respect of competitive gaming.
As from this point forwards Hans "Olit" Olofsson, Martin "Jazze" Jansson, and Andreas "Vanishz" Finnsted wont be part of Code7 anymore.Also an ultimatum has been given to Thomas "Redux" Ronning and Tobias "Speedyheadshot" Emmerdahl which MAY result to their departure as well. Before going to any details considering this rather drastic move, we wish to extend our gratitude to the contribution these players have made to build Code7 for what it has been untill today. In addition Code7 renounces the usage of name Code7 and the remaining members of Code7 for any marketing deal untill further notice.Effectively this means, all the current sponsorship deals are rather agreements between Hans Olofsson and respectable companies and no written contract has been made between Code7 and these parties of interrest. Code7 is a brand invented and owned by Marco Hannukka and Code7 Productions (registered company and owned by Sami Takalo).
We are sure many are expecting to hear some kind of explanation for such a drastic measure we are about to take and yes you are right, we are entitled to give you one. We feel that we have reached the end of one road and stand in crossroads. Its time to make choices and for the first time in a long while we have a change to make those choices. It is safe to say Code7 will not be participating in any active 8on8 competitions and by the looks of current state of battlefield franchise its also safe to say that it will be quite some time before anything new can be introduced into the clan scene as far as larger bf team gaming is concerned. So its really a perfect oppurtunity to clear out the table from previous success brought by battlefield 2 and start planning for the future.
As far as future is concerned, Code7 will focus on evaluating possible games to actively take part mainly focusing in continuing the success story in Quakewars. To be able to do it, we need to gather a new team for a new game. We wanted us to have the core of Code7, the seeds where it all grew left intact and hope those seeds will provide another fruitfull crop for the new game. Ofcourse additions will need to be taken in but those we will deal within the requirements of the new game once its closer to its release. We wont stop gaming, we will still try to pass the time by playing infantry tournaments in bf2 and possible testing out some other options while waiting for year 2007.
This move is a pre-emptive move to cut down already way too big team size and put the end for growing divisions inside Code7 which threatened the existence of the whole clan. We felt that the only way to end the growing amount of disputes was to make such a drastic move we made today. We also felt that the team had lost its appetite by getting too settled for listening the praises of others rather than proving the opposition wrong with the only way there is to, train and beat the shit out of them. We were also very displeased by the way our previous management held to its tasks. It failed to provide any of the goals it was set to accomplish, on the contrary it seemed to be more about personal gains and control over other people than actually providing better means for this team to compete which ofcourse is unnacceptable.
As from now on team manager of Code7 will be Marco "Corey" Hannukka untill further notice and Tomi "Kalma" Sarni will continue as team leader. As for the rest of the team Matias "Chordi" Sointu, Oskar "Osk" Somme, Vegar "Neo" Ladd and Sebastian "Liontail" Paluch, they can make up our their own minds about their future. Whatever decision they will come up, We will respect it but we truly hope they will stay and help us build a new more stronger team.
We wish good luck to Vanishz,Olit and Jazze for whatever they decide to do with their futures and i am hoping Redux and Speedyheadshot will agree with us and do the right thing. As for the supporters, we ask for patience and undertanding, we WILL come back and we will do good in future also.
Over and out,
Team Code7
Code7 have an announcement to make which at the same time ends a chapter in a life of this clan and marks a start for a something new. Altought many may found this to be a sad development i consider it to be a healthy step in the evolution for Code7 in respect of competitive gaming.
As from this point forwards Hans "Olit" Olofsson, Martin "Jazze" Jansson, and Andreas "Vanishz" Finnsted wont be part of Code7 anymore.Also an ultimatum has been given to Thomas "Redux" Ronning and Tobias "Speedyheadshot" Emmerdahl which MAY result to their departure as well. Before going to any details considering this rather drastic move, we wish to extend our gratitude to the contribution these players have made to build Code7 for what it has been untill today. In addition Code7 renounces the usage of name Code7 and the remaining members of Code7 for any marketing deal untill further notice.Effectively this means, all the current sponsorship deals are rather agreements between Hans Olofsson and respectable companies and no written contract has been made between Code7 and these parties of interrest. Code7 is a brand invented and owned by Marco Hannukka and Code7 Productions (registered company and owned by Sami Takalo).
We are sure many are expecting to hear some kind of explanation for such a drastic measure we are about to take and yes you are right, we are entitled to give you one. We feel that we have reached the end of one road and stand in crossroads. Its time to make choices and for the first time in a long while we have a change to make those choices. It is safe to say Code7 will not be participating in any active 8on8 competitions and by the looks of current state of battlefield franchise its also safe to say that it will be quite some time before anything new can be introduced into the clan scene as far as larger bf team gaming is concerned. So its really a perfect oppurtunity to clear out the table from previous success brought by battlefield 2 and start planning for the future.
As far as future is concerned, Code7 will focus on evaluating possible games to actively take part mainly focusing in continuing the success story in Quakewars. To be able to do it, we need to gather a new team for a new game. We wanted us to have the core of Code7, the seeds where it all grew left intact and hope those seeds will provide another fruitfull crop for the new game. Ofcourse additions will need to be taken in but those we will deal within the requirements of the new game once its closer to its release. We wont stop gaming, we will still try to pass the time by playing infantry tournaments in bf2 and possible testing out some other options while waiting for year 2007.
This move is a pre-emptive move to cut down already way too big team size and put the end for growing divisions inside Code7 which threatened the existence of the whole clan. We felt that the only way to end the growing amount of disputes was to make such a drastic move we made today. We also felt that the team had lost its appetite by getting too settled for listening the praises of others rather than proving the opposition wrong with the only way there is to, train and beat the shit out of them. We were also very displeased by the way our previous management held to its tasks. It failed to provide any of the goals it was set to accomplish, on the contrary it seemed to be more about personal gains and control over other people than actually providing better means for this team to compete which ofcourse is unnacceptable.
As from now on team manager of Code7 will be Marco "Corey" Hannukka untill further notice and Tomi "Kalma" Sarni will continue as team leader. As for the rest of the team Matias "Chordi" Sointu, Oskar "Osk" Somme, Vegar "Neo" Ladd and Sebastian "Liontail" Paluch, they can make up our their own minds about their future. Whatever decision they will come up, We will respect it but we truly hope they will stay and help us build a new more stronger team.
We wish good luck to Vanishz,Olit and Jazze for whatever they decide to do with their futures and i am hoping Redux and Speedyheadshot will agree with us and do the right thing. As for the supporters, we ask for patience and undertanding, we WILL come back and we will do good in future also.
Over and out,
Team Code7
20.08.2006 19:55
Team: Patria
20.08.2006 20:13
team magnificent
Ovat myöskin ilmoittautuneet tänään upnorth divisioonan 1 season 6 :lle
Team: -Lt42-
20.08.2006 20:27
Noh, huipulla on hyvä lopettaa ;).
20.08.2006 20:31
Team: Croc*
21.08.2006 07:05
Reduxsista tiedän sen verran että se osaa lonettaa
kopulla erittäin hyvin ja ak-101:llä laittaa kaikki jätkät pinoon.
Team: Tohvelit
21.08.2006 15:33
Jep huipulla on hyvä lopettaa.
Reduxsista tiedän sen verran että se osaa lonettaa
kopulla erittäin hyvin ja ak-101:llä laittaa kaikki jätkät pinoon.
Ja tämä informaatio on saatu Duck & Cover videosta, johon on koottu reduxin ainoat ownaukset 2 vuoden klaanipelaamisen ajalta, ja jonka sisältämä aineisto todistaa, ettei hän pärjää millään muulla aseella kuin AK-101:lla, jonka perusteella voi siis väittää ,ettei hän pärjää esim. USMC:n tiimissä ollenkaan. Kopterissakin hän on suorastaan surkea pilotti, koska osa hänen ownauksistaan perustuu bugeihin. Videon kopteriosuuden lopussahan hän tippuu alas, ja tuhoaa samalla oman tankin on todiste hänen sähläyksistään. SIllä kertaa hän selvisi syytöksiltä, sillä kaikki liput olivat jo heillä. Huomioitavaa että hän ei ollut tietoinensiitä, koska hän tarkasti mapin vasta kolarin jälkeen.
Kaiken tämän perusteella Redux on suorastaan surkea klaanipelaaja, joka on saanut liian halpaa huoiota. Tämän kaltaiset newbiet pitäisi kieltää klaaniscenestä! Kauheaa!
Ja hetken asiaa pohdiskeltuani sain ajatuksenyhteyden, joka mullistaa merkittävästi käsitystäni Reduxista.
Tämä, että hän käyttää vain AK-101, johtaa siihen, että hän suosii MEC- tiimiä. TÄmän perusteella taas voisin väittää että hän kannattaa terrorismia. On siis totaalista Propagandaa, että levitetään "Duck & Cover" Tyylisiä Frägäysvideoita, joiden suora sanoma on, että "Liity meihin, saat paremmat aseet, jolla voit tappaa yhdysvaltalaisia"
Huomionarvoista olisi myös se, että kun siinä koputuksen lopussa hän kolaroi tankkiin ja räjäyttää samalla kopterin, joku väitti että se olisi huumoria. Prosenttuaalisen todennäköisyyden perusteella voin sanua että jos teamspeakissa on vähintään 8 pelaajaa, ja heistä vain yksi on Redux, on parhaimmillaan 1/8 todennäköisyys, että juuri Redux nauraa. Tämä taas johtaa siihen, että hän oli juuri hiljentynyt järkytyksestä, miten lähellä emämoka olikaan.
Ps. Koko roska on yhtä läppää jos joku ei tajunnut. Harmi, että klaanille kävi mitä kävi, mutta onneksi ystävykset saivat uuden joukon kasaan. Onnea ja menestystä.
Team: Patria
21.08.2006 15:39
Jep huipulla on hyvä lopettaa.
Reduxsista tiedän sen verran että se osaa lonettaa
kopulla erittäin hyvin ja ak-101:llä laittaa kaikki jätkät pinoon.
Ja tämä informaatio on saatu Duck & Cover videosta, johon on koottu reduxin ainoat ownaukset 2 vuoden klaanipelaamisen ajalta, ja jonka sisältämä aineisto todistaa, ettei hän pärjää millään muulla aseella kuin AK-101:lla, jonka perusteella voi siis väittää ,ettei hän pärjää esim. USMC:n tiimissä ollenkaan. Kopterissakin hän on suorastaan surkea pilotti, koska osa hänen ownauksistaan perustuu bugeihin. Videon kopteriosuuden lopussahan hän tippuu alas, ja tuhoaa samalla oman tankin on todiste hänen sähläyksistään. SIllä kertaa hän selvisi syytöksiltä, sillä kaikki liput olivat jo heillä. Huomioitavaa että hän ei ollut tietoinensiitä, koska hän tarkasti mapin vasta kolarin jälkeen.
Kaiken tämän perusteella Redux on suorastaan surkea klaanipelaaja, joka on saanut liian halpaa huoiota. Tämän kaltaiset newbiet pitäisi kieltää klaaniscenestä! Kauheaa!
Oletkos oikeasti tosissasi vai onks tää siis joku läppä?
Team: Z-Partio
21.08.2006 15:41
21.08.2006 15:46
Team: [10th]
21.08.2006 15:48
Tämän kaltaiset newbiet pitäisi kieltää klaaniscenestä! Kauheaa!
Tämän kaltaiset nypyt pitäisi tappaa sukupuuttoon. Eli toisinsanottuna pääkiinni jos asiasta ei ole tietoa.
21.08.2006 15:51
#15 Olemmeko sanoneet että voitamme kaikki? Emme.
Olemmeko sanoneet että olemme parempia kuin muut? Emme. Suomipoikafin on vain yksi pelaaja.
Team: [10th]
21.08.2006 15:53
#8 Miten tämä koko klaania koskee?
Koko klaani koostuu suomen noloimmista ja nypyimmistä pelaajista, Jonka perustaja on nimeltään XBATETTEX.
21.08.2006 15:55
Team: Tohvelit
21.08.2006 16:00
Team: Croc*
21.08.2006 16:12
Team: hehz
21.08.2006 16:15
Team: Z-Partio
21.08.2006 17:54
21.08.2006 18:03
21.08.2006 18:30
21.08.2006 19:23
Onnea Code7!