World of Tanksista julkaistiin Eurooppaan alkuviikosta gigatavun kokoinen 8.11-päivitys. Uutena pelimuotona tuli Confrontation, jossa laitetaan tankit vastakkain eri maittain, Kiinaa ja Japania lukuun ottamatta. Vanhoissa kartoissa joidenkin aloituspisteitä on siirretty ja joihinkin on tehty maantieteellisiä muutoksia esimerkiksi vesien ja mäkien kanssa. Lisäksi päivityksen mukana tulee uusi talvikartta "Windstorm" sekä läjän korjauksia ja lisäyksiä.
Päivityksen keskeiset piirteet:
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Päivityksen keskeiset piirteet:
- "The probability of playing "Confrontation" is the same as for "Encounter" or "Assault"
- "The game maps available in "Confrontation" are the same as in any standard battle
- "The new battle type will be open for all vehicle tiers
- "Teams in "Confrontation" are built by nations. Battles cannot be fought by two teams built from vehicles of the same nation. For example, a French vehicle team can battle against the British, Americans, Germans or Soviets, but not against another team of French vehicles
- "The Chinese and Japanese nations are excluded from this battle type. The reason is that these nations do not have all vehicle types available
- "The new battle type can be played in Platoons, provided that all Platoon members are driving vehicles of the same nation (excluding China and Japan)
- "This battle type can be manually disabled in the game settings menu, just like the "Assault" and "Encounter" battle types"
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