Infinity Wardin Mark Rubin on viime päivinä twiittaillut ahkerasti koskien Modern Warfare 3:n tulevia päivityksiä. Tulossa on jokseenkin joka sortin korjauksia lähtien lagin kompensoimisesta lisäriongelmiin. Kaikkia alustoja koskevat optimoinnit spawnipisteiden päättelemisen kanssa ja asebalanssin muuttaminen ainakin AR:n ja SMG:n osalta.
Kaikki Rubinin mainitsemat muutoskohdat näet ohesta.
Kaikki Rubinin mainitsemat muutoskohdat näet ohesta.
Lag Comp (Xbox & PS3) - TDM has some settings that replicate to an extent MW2 lag comp settings. More to be done here. Moving to all playlists soon. Probably sometime next week barring any issues. PC is still being worked on as well but is a different code path.
Matchmaking (Xbox) - Domination has a new matchmaking schema. It no longer uses Hilbert regions but rather country code based on your IP. Improvements to that coming in upcoming patch. But if you have been matchmaking a lot with people from other countries please try this out and see if it is better.
Spawning (All) - Faceoff maps have had more spawn points added and a slight tweak to the logic. Should reduce the amount of spawn trapping. But the maps are small so spawning will always feel dangerous. Part of the fun of the mode. A full re-write on spawn logic is in the works but will be some time before it is ready.
DLC - Terminal is out for everyone on Xbox. I'll be able to announce the date for Ps3 and PC sometime soon pending PR approval. Probably next week or so. Yes Terminal will be free for everyone just as it is on Xbox.
PS3 DLC Issues - Some of the issues with PS3 DLC have been resolved. There are still isolated cases of people losing their Elite Subscription (me included) and also of some DLC content that seems to be either unplayable or un-downloadable. We are still working with Sony on those issues. Hit up @candyslexia for possible solutions for DLC issues.
Weapon Balance - We have started our pass on weapons here at the studio and are testing out some changes. We are just hitting ARs and SMGs at first. Our current philosophy on this right now is not to nerf but rather to buff those weapons that are under-performing. Not sure yet on the eta of when these changes will go live.
Playlist Updates - I don't have any info yet on Playlist updates just yet. Hoping to get to that soon.
Matchmaking (Xbox) - Domination has a new matchmaking schema. It no longer uses Hilbert regions but rather country code based on your IP. Improvements to that coming in upcoming patch. But if you have been matchmaking a lot with people from other countries please try this out and see if it is better.
Spawning (All) - Faceoff maps have had more spawn points added and a slight tweak to the logic. Should reduce the amount of spawn trapping. But the maps are small so spawning will always feel dangerous. Part of the fun of the mode. A full re-write on spawn logic is in the works but will be some time before it is ready.
DLC - Terminal is out for everyone on Xbox. I'll be able to announce the date for Ps3 and PC sometime soon pending PR approval. Probably next week or so. Yes Terminal will be free for everyone just as it is on Xbox.
PS3 DLC Issues - Some of the issues with PS3 DLC have been resolved. There are still isolated cases of people losing their Elite Subscription (me included) and also of some DLC content that seems to be either unplayable or un-downloadable. We are still working with Sony on those issues. Hit up @candyslexia for possible solutions for DLC issues.
Weapon Balance - We have started our pass on weapons here at the studio and are testing out some changes. We are just hitting ARs and SMGs at first. Our current philosophy on this right now is not to nerf but rather to buff those weapons that are under-performing. Not sure yet on the eta of when these changes will go live.
Playlist Updates - I don't have any info yet on Playlist updates just yet. Hoping to get to that soon.
21.07.2012 16:45
21.07.2012 16:59
MW4 mainostusta :D voisivat ottaa oppia valvelta ja päivitää vanhoja peleja kute cod4.
Neljännestä codista tuskin löytyy enään mitään päivitettävää.
21.07.2012 17:34
21.07.2012 18:45
Hmm jospa mw3 pääsee nyt ampumaan vastustajia eikä pelkästään heidän hitboxeja.
21.07.2012 19:54
22.07.2012 13:16
Kyl se ehk kunno netti olis paikallaa tai sit opetella vaa tähtää.. :/
Ei varmaa oo netistä kiinni jos peli on paska + näitä videoitahan on tuhottoman paljon. Sama joskus oli wawissakin, että ammut kenkään ja tulee headshot.
22.07.2012 16:45
Kyl se ehk kunno netti olis paikallaa tai sit opetella vaa tähtää.. :/
Ei varmaa oo netistä kiinni jos peli on paska + näitä videoitahan on tuhottoman paljon. Sama joskus oli wawissakin, että ammut kenkään ja tulee headshot.
22.07.2012 17:42
Kyl se ehk kunno netti olis paikallaa tai sit opetella vaa tähtää.. :/
Ei varmaa oo netistä kiinni jos peli on paska + näitä videoitahan on tuhottoman paljon. Sama joskus oli wawissakin, että ammut kenkään ja tulee headshot.
Ei helpota yhtään mitään jos peli on rikki. Ja eihän tuolla yhteyden nopeudella ole mitään väliä, nettipelit ei käytä kaistaa paskan vertaa. Pingi on sitten se joka vaikuttaa.
22.07.2012 17:54
22.07.2012 22:27
22.07.2012 23:35
Kyl se ehk kunno netti olis paikallaa tai sit opetella vaa tähtää.. :/
Ei varmaa oo netistä kiinni jos peli on paska + näitä videoitahan on tuhottoman paljon. Sama joskus oli wawissakin, että ammut kenkään ja tulee headshot.
Perkele varsinkaan codissa ei oo mitään eroa. 1 mb pyöri sulavasti codit. 40 mb netissä yhtään eroa
23.07.2012 02:11
pelattavuus paranisis huimasti