PAM4:sta on annettu ensimmäinen ns. alpha-versio muutamille ylläpitäjille käyttöön testiä varten. Ensimmäinen julkinen versio tulossa n. viikon kuluttua.
1. Support for all gametypes for pub and match modes (about 10 leagues at this moment). Most testing has been geared towards S&D at this point though, and very little testing has been done with DM...
2. Ready-Up Periods for First Half, Second Half, and Overtime (using IW's OT sides calculation)
3. Optional Strat Time for S&D, with a way for teams to elect to 'bypass' the remainder of the strat time (everyone ready on both teams and just sitting around). That should take some of the bite out of the long strat times if no one needs to change weapon loadouts.
4. Dvar to remove the grenade indicator, but if you are close enough you will still see the "Throw Back" notice.
5. Dvars to increase or decrease the damage of all weapons individually with a multiplier (1.0 = normal damage / .95 = 5% damage reduction / 1.05 = 5% damage increase). This applies AFTER any hit location/distance damage modifiers are calculated.
6. Dvars to change the needed kill streaks required to obtain the individual Hardpoints
7. Dvar to change the amount of time the UAV hardpoint is active, no longer hardcoded to 30 seconds.
8. Dvar to shut up that damn UAV announcement (I doubt this is a big issue for matches though).
9. Dvars to set the amount of C4, Claymores, RPGs, extra nades/specialty nades that are given via perks when you spawn. At the moment this is also limited by the weapon's hardcoded limit, but I imagine for matches these would mostly be used to REDUCE these ammo amounts, not increase them.
10. Dvar to remove the bomb plant/defuse/defend icons from the HUD (but not the compass) in S&D.
11. Dvar that can allow a Players Left display for S&D.
12. Dvar to make one-hit knife kills MUCH harder unless you sneak up on the player from behind.
13. Dvar that can remove the mountable MG's from the map.
14. Fixed the spectating issue for shoutcasters to be able to move around freely.
15 Automatic pam_mode change detection and restarting of the map (like PAM2 did).
Extra Pub mode only stuff:
- Message Center for automated server messages.
- Ability to list your clan website on-screen
- AFK sensor that will automatically move AFK players into Spectate
- Ability to run any match mode without the Ready Up periods by adding "pub_" to the front of the pam_mode (i.e. set pam_mode pub_twl)
- Ability to specifically USE Ready Up in pub mode
That is for the initial release of PAM4 anyway. There are a few other tools I want to implement that I have not had time to even look into yet, and I imagine there will be more tools needed as we go along and try to find ways to 'solve' problems.
I may even get another feature or two in before the leagues solidify their rule files. I am going to TRY to make dvar selectable 20/30 round Skorpion ammo clips, we shall see.
2. Ready-Up Periods for First Half, Second Half, and Overtime (using IW's OT sides calculation)
3. Optional Strat Time for S&D, with a way for teams to elect to 'bypass' the remainder of the strat time (everyone ready on both teams and just sitting around). That should take some of the bite out of the long strat times if no one needs to change weapon loadouts.
4. Dvar to remove the grenade indicator, but if you are close enough you will still see the "Throw Back" notice.
5. Dvars to increase or decrease the damage of all weapons individually with a multiplier (1.0 = normal damage / .95 = 5% damage reduction / 1.05 = 5% damage increase). This applies AFTER any hit location/distance damage modifiers are calculated.
6. Dvars to change the needed kill streaks required to obtain the individual Hardpoints
7. Dvar to change the amount of time the UAV hardpoint is active, no longer hardcoded to 30 seconds.
8. Dvar to shut up that damn UAV announcement (I doubt this is a big issue for matches though).
9. Dvars to set the amount of C4, Claymores, RPGs, extra nades/specialty nades that are given via perks when you spawn. At the moment this is also limited by the weapon's hardcoded limit, but I imagine for matches these would mostly be used to REDUCE these ammo amounts, not increase them.
10. Dvar to remove the bomb plant/defuse/defend icons from the HUD (but not the compass) in S&D.
11. Dvar that can allow a Players Left display for S&D.
12. Dvar to make one-hit knife kills MUCH harder unless you sneak up on the player from behind.
13. Dvar that can remove the mountable MG's from the map.
14. Fixed the spectating issue for shoutcasters to be able to move around freely.
15 Automatic pam_mode change detection and restarting of the map (like PAM2 did).
Extra Pub mode only stuff:
- Message Center for automated server messages.
- Ability to list your clan website on-screen
- AFK sensor that will automatically move AFK players into Spectate
- Ability to run any match mode without the Ready Up periods by adding "pub_" to the front of the pam_mode (i.e. set pam_mode pub_twl)
- Ability to specifically USE Ready Up in pub mode
That is for the initial release of PAM4 anyway. There are a few other tools I want to implement that I have not had time to even look into yet, and I imagine there will be more tools needed as we go along and try to find ways to 'solve' problems.
I may even get another feature or two in before the leagues solidify their rule files. I am going to TRY to make dvar selectable 20/30 round Skorpion ammo clips, we shall see.
10.04.2024 13:37